Member Information

NLA membership unites peers in a powerful way. By pooling the resources and knowledge of thousands of operators from around the world, the National Limousine Association is able to accomplish goals far beyond the scope of any single limousine company. The inclusion of suppliers and manufacturers who support operator interests as associate members provides additional expertise and greater empowerment. Working together, NLA members continue to redefine professionalism and improve the industry every day. 

Membership Dues

Annual dues are based on the anniversary date of when a member joins. For instance, if you join July 15, your membership will be valid until July 14 the following year. 

Members who pay dues in full receive a discount verses members who pay in 12 monthly installments.

Membership TypeDues – Pay in FullDues-12 Monthly Installments
Operator – 1 Vehicle$99.00$12.00/month
Operator – 1-5 Vehicles$395.00$36.00/month
Operator – 6-9 Vehicles$495.00$45.00/month
Operator – 10-19 Vehicles$750.00$68.00/month
Operator – 20-50 Vehicles$1,250.00$113.00/month
Operator 51-100 Vehicles$2,000.00$181.00/month
Operator – 101+ Vehicles$3,000.00$271.00/month
Manufacturer/Coach Builder/Network$2,300.00$208.00/month
Local/Regional/State Association$250.00$23.00/month

International Members will receive 25% OFF Membership Dues. View the discounted pricing for International Members below.

International Membership TypeDues – Pay in FullDues-12 Monthly Installments
Operator – 1 Vehicle$99.00$12.00/month
Operator – 1-5 Vehicles$300.00$25.00/month
Operator – 6-9 Vehicles$375.00$31.25/month
Operator – 10-19 Vehicles$565.00$48.00/month
Operator – 20-50 Vehicles$940.00$78.00/month
Operator – 51-100 Vehicles$1,500.00$125.00/month
Operator – 101+ Vehicles$2,250.00$187.50/month
Manufacturer/Coach Builder/Network$1,725.00$144.00/month
Local/Regional/State Association$190.00$16.00/month

New memberships will be valid for one year from the date of the first dues payment. If you choose to opt into monthly installments, you will be automatically charged each month for 12 months until your renewal date.

New members who are joining with only one vehicle in their fleet have the option to select the 1 Vehicle or the 1-5 Vehicle Operator membership. Please note that the 1 Vehicle Operator membership receives all membership benefits EXCEPT voting rights and the company listing on Fleet size for the 1 Vehicle category will be verified with the submission of the member’s insurance ACORD in the membership application.

  1. Visit and click on “Log In”
  2. Choose a login option:
  3. Sign in with a social account (Apple, Google, or LinkedIn) OR
  4. Set up an account using your email address and create a new password.
  5. After logging in, the portal will automatically search for existing records matching your name and email address.
  6. Select your record if it matches your name and email address.
  7. Verify your account via the email sent to you.
  8. Once verified, you will have access to your NLA Member Portal.
  1. Visit and click on “Join Now”
  2. Choose a login option:
    • Sign in with a social account (Apple, Google, or LinkedIn) OR
    • Set up an account using your email address and create a new password.
  3. After logging in, the portal will automatically search for existing records matching your name and email address.
  4. Since you are setting up a new membership, select the option to set up a new record.
  5. Verify your account via the email sent to you.
  6. Once verified, you will have access to your NLA Member Portal.

NLA dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for U.S. income tax purposes but may be deductible as a business expense to the extent provided by law. The NLA estimates that 21% of your dues are considered lobbying expenses and you should consult your tax advisor accordingly.

All membership inquiries regarding new memberships, renewals, and dues payment options can be sent to